Thanks for the links! How does it compare to … ucts_id=30 though? Since I’m looking at the Blueboard LPC1768 COMBO from NGX … ucts_id=97, I could get them together and save a little on shipping!
USB “high speed” and “full speed” (the NGX one) are not the same, the FT2232H is faster, HOWEVER, in the end it might not make much of a difference. I chose to go with high speed.
The NGX one does not mention that its JTAG port is buffered. This is a big deal, a buffer protects the FT2232, and also allows for lower JTAG pin voltages (if you use a 1.8V ARM chip, you need a buffer to translate the voltage from 3.3V)
I don’t like RS-232 or DB-9 because I have a laptop and everything I own or plan on making will not use either. Personal preference.
About the struct: you are going to see a lot of structs when working with ARM.
Sometimes they represent peripheral registers inside the ARM, and they are memory mapped to their perspective locations by a header file provided by the API (provided by the vendor, NXP).
For example, if you have two SPI modules, the two structs will be identical structurally but located at different locations.
I know this is the case with AT91LIB, LPC’s equivalent appears very similar
take a look at “\Core\CM3\DeviceSupport\NXP\LPC17xx\LPC17xx.h” when you download “LPC17xx CMSIS-Compliant Standard Peripheral Firmware Driver Library” from … e=software
→ is used to access members of a struct that a pointer is pointing to, so LPC_SC is not a struct, but a pointer to a struct, and that pointer is a memory location set by LPC17xx.h