How do I flash firmware to SparkFun LoRa Thing Plus - expLoRaBLE module?

I purchased two of these: - SparkFun LoRa Thing Plus - expLoRaBLE - and I am trying to upload the code.

I haven’t used Ardunio for a few years. What are the steps? I have done the following thus far:

  1. downloaded the code Peer-to-Peer Example: … er-example

  2. went to ardunio settings and added this link: … index.json to “additional boards manager URLs”

  3. selected the serial port and then it asks to select a board. I chose SparkFun Artemis Thing Plus, which seemed to be the closest matching board.

I get the error:

Missing FQBN (Fully Qualified Board Name)

Compilation error: Missing FQBN (Fully Qualified Board Name)

i am using a Mac if that matters.

I’ve also downloaded and unzipped the following folders into my project folder: ArduinoBLE, BasicMAC and RadioLib.

What are the steps to correctly flash the firmware to the module?

Instead of ‘SparkFun Artemis Thing Plus’ select Board → Sparkfun Apollo3 → LoRa Thing Plus expLoRable and re-try…any luck?

It is not an option for me. Here are screenshots.


I apologize, I missed that you were using a mac…scroll down a bit in the guide here … e-overview for mac-specific info