More sad news about the RSS feed, it still links to links like this;http://www.sparkfun.com//news.php?id=484
And your rewrite rules doesnt seem to match that kind of links.
I get the following page;
Woah there, Turbo! Our server gnomes couldn’t find the page you are looking for.
It looks like you mistyped the URL in your address bar or have followed an old bookmark.
We recently re-worked parts of the site, so it’s possible we moved the page you’re looking for.
But I also take the opportunity to say what a great job you’ve done!
(to an already great webshop :D)
However, that was for the “newly added” posts to the RSS feed… if I click on some earlier it seems to work just fine.
Using Win7 IE9 with your RSS feed on my links bar
Fixed! Thanks