10Hz GPS


A few months ago I noticed SF was selling a 4Hz GPS module. I can’t find it anymore… Is it still available?

Anybody knows if 10Hz GPS modules available yet (here at SF or anywhere else)?


Try u-blox.


yah u bloc are 4 hz…

sannav FV-m8 is 5 hz.

think they stil sell it hre.

It does appear that the [Sannav FV-M8 (formally known as ETek EB-85A, yes ETek was sold off to Sannav) are currently [sold out.

Maybe sparkfun hasn’t noticed the model and vendor has changed? :P](http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=8266)](http://www.sanav.com/gps_engine_board/FV-M8.htm)

i think everyone still calls it etek eb 85


hmmm i think oharapc still has them.

for 55 $$$$$$$$$


E-TEK got bought out by San Jose Navigiation and hence the name change. They are both from the same company though.