I’m using eagle 4.15 and generating 2.4 drill files. Viewmate shows 2.4 to be correct. Batch PCB seems to pass the file if I say it’s 2.3 or 2.4. Are you guys automatically figuring it out? I’d think you must be because the size calcs are correct and I recall seeing you say you scan the drill file for max boundary.
Should I be selecting 2.4 or just not worry about it?
The drill file filter is really the last thing to iron out. For now, we are going to try to import your drill file according to what you tell us. If it doesn’t look right, then we’ll get it right, and tell you what your format is. That way in the future, we hope that most of the incoming designs will have the format known and we can just slide right through the import phase of panelization.