2.4 GHZ transevers with built in antena config word

Can anyone explain to me how to configure all but the test bits of the 2.4 GHZ recever with built in antena

You mean the reserved for testing bits? Nope, only Nordic knows.


the bits lower than the test bits they effect transmition speed, transmition power, number of address bits, number of crc bits.

This would allow me to use 40 bit addresses and 16 bit crc to receve less data but their would be a better chance it would be my data. This could be usefull for others also.

This is my config word

Gives u lowest error rate, if u want a 8 byte payload just change Data1_W to 0b00001000. It operate in shockburst/250kbs

And the illegal tranmission band number 87 for low noise :slight_smile:

rxbyte = spi(0b00100000); //Data2_W - 32 bits in payload

rxbyte = spi(0b00100000); //Data1_W - 32 bits in payload

rxbyte = spi(0xBB); //ADDR1 - 1

rxbyte = spi(0x55); //ADDR1 - 2

rxbyte = spi(0xFF); //ADDR1 - 3

rxbyte = spi(0x00); //ADDR1 - 4

rxbyte = spi(0xAA); //ADDR1 - 5

rxbyte = spi(0xAA); //ADDR1 - 1

rxbyte = spi(0x55); //ADDR1 - 2

rxbyte = spi(0xFF); //ADDR1 - 3

rxbyte = spi(0x00); //ADDR1 - 4

rxbyte = spi(0xAA); //ADDR1 - 5

rxbyte = spi(0b10100011); //ADDR_W - 40 bits wide & CRC - Shock burst with CRC

rxbyte = spi(0b01001111); //General Device Config

rxbyte = spi(0b10101111); //RF Channel and direction & TX/RX - RX = 1

I got a question tho, has any1 else found that u need at least 500us (for 64 bit transmissions, and 800us for 88 bit transmission) in standby mode to switch from TX to RX modes. I can send and receive fine, just i cant afford such a logn delay.

Hey Angela^^

Wow did I read that wrong - sorry Mr. Guest. You wanted everything but the test bits. I read it the other way.

Take a look at the example code for a PIC:

http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/RF/R … xample.zip

It will give you an example for both a reasonable 4-byte payload and the max 29-byte payload.
