2018 AVC Dates


Not to be too eager to get started, but… I have one of those weird jobs where I have to pick my time off for the entire year in January (What a pain).

The [MakerFaire.com site shows the Denver Maker Faire dates as Fri, Sat the 12th and 13th of Oct 2018.

Is Sparkfun planning on holding the AVC on those same dates? Do we know if the Denver Maker Faire dates are even correct? Thanks :)](Maker Faire | Maker Faire Map - Maker Faire)

Yes, it would really help us builders to know the date and what sort of contest to expect as soon as possible (and even some confirmation that there will even be an AVC this year). I think we would get much better and more successful entries if we knew all that sooner (hint, hint)!

From what I found on the Denver Maker Faire site, it didn’t look to me like the dates had been confirmed, but that is a likely weekend. And Sparkfun has had a long history of holding the AVC in the same place for at least two years in a row: 2 years plus at the old building, 2 years at the reservoir, 2 years at the new building, 2 years at the Maker Faire? Maybe? But I have zero input/insight into the AVC scheduling process.

I’m kind of hoping it is a little earlier this year, it was a bit cold in October, but much earlier and it will be too hot, so yeah, maybe September would be nice.

I just heard back from the Maker Faire people. NOTE: This has nothing to do with the AVC. We are still waiting to hear about that, but if it’s going to be a part of the Maker Faire… This was there response.

"Glad you are checking in! We will be having the Makerfaire Denver at the National Western Complex on October 12, 13, and 14th (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). Keep checking the website, we will update it as we can confirm all the great ideas we have for this year. Please reach out if you have further questions. "

Hey Guys,

The DTC Makers will be meeting at the [Castlewood Library This Saturday 02/10/2018 1pm. We will be discussing a variety of things including some ideas for this years AVC event. While this is not a Sparkfun or an AVC event - We do have fun disusing, planning, and solving all things AVC… Please RSVP on [Meetup.com, or let me know you are coming via the forum. Thanks :)](https://www.meetup.com/dtcmakers)](Google Maps)

Disregard all speculation made above.

It looks like the AVC will be a lot earlier than last year (Sept 7-9) in Longmont at the Boulder County Fairgrounds.

The AVC page is not updated, but [there is this blog post.

If anyone has any info on the rules, the events that are taking place, or any other details… That would be helpful.](Ten years of AVC - and of worrying someone will get hurt - and so far so good (knock on wood) - News - SparkFun Electronics)