24g_232demo_V02.c ported to BoostC

It works for me at least…

    nRF2401 test code to run on the 24G demo board, V02, 
    This code will exchange user entered text between 2 modules.
    Compiles with the free version of CC5X.
    Pete Dokter, 2/22/06
    This version ported to BoostC.
    Orin Eman, 11/22/07

    config_setup word 16 bits found on pages 13-15
    23: 0 Payloads have an 8 bit address
    22: 0
    21: 1
    20: 0
    19: 0
    18: 0
    17: 1 16-Bit CRC
    16: 1 CRC Enabled

    15: 0 One channel receive
    14: 1 ShockBurst Mode
    13: 0 250K Transmission Rate
    12: 0
    11: 1
    10: 1
    9: 1 RF Output Power
    8: 0 RF Output Power

    7: 0 Channel select (channel 2)
    6: 0
    5: 0
    4: 0
    3: 0
    2: 1
    1: 0
    0: 0 Transmit mode

#include <system.h>
#pragma CLOCK_FREQ	8000000

#pragma DATA _CONFIG1, 0x3F30 //Internal Oscillator, No WDT, MCLR Enabled

#define CS       porta.0        //out
#define CLK1     porta.1        //out
#define DATA1    porta.2        //I/O
#define DR1      porta.3        //in
#define DATA2    porta.4        //in
#define CE       porta.6        //out
#define CLK2     porta.7        //out

#define DR2      portb.0        //in
#define stat1    portb.1        //out
#define stat2    portb.3        //out
#define stat3    portb.4        //out

unsigned char data_array[4];

void boot_up(void);
void configure_receiver(void);
void configure_transmitter(void);
void transmit_data(void);
void receive_data(void);
void output_byte(unsigned char);
unsigned char input_byte(void);

void main()
    unsigned char x;
    x = 3;
    do {
		stat1 = 1;
		stat1 = 0;
		stat2 = 1;
		stat2 = 0;
		stat3 = 1;
		stat3 = 0;
    } while ( --x != 0 );
    stat1 = 1;
    for ( ; ; )
        if ( pir1.RCIF )
            data_array[0] = rcreg;


        if( DR1 == 1 ) //We have data!

            txreg = data_array[0];

            if (stat1 == 1)
                stat1 = 0;
                stat2 = 1;
            else if (stat2 == 1)
                stat2 = 0;
                stat3 = 1;
                stat3 = 0;
                stat1 = 1;                    

void boot_up(void)
    osccon = 0b01110000; //Setup internal oscillator for 8MHz
    while(osccon.2 == 0); //Wait for frequency to stabilize

    ansel = 0b00000000; //Turn pins to Digital instead of Analog
    cmcon = 0b00000111; //Turn off comparator on RA port

    porta = 0b00000000; // TX on powerup, so DATA as output is OK
    trisa = 0b00111100; //0 = Output, 1 = Input

    portb = 0b00000000;
    trisb = 0b11000101; //0 = Output, 1 = Input

    txsta.BRGH = 1;		//High speed UART

    spbrg = 51;			//9600 baud

    txsta.SYNC = 0;
    rcsta.SPEN = 1;

    rcsta.CREN = 1;
    txsta.TXEN = 1; //Enable transmission

    pir1.RCIF = 0;
    pie1.RCIE = 0;		// We're not using interrupts
    status.GIE = 0;

    data_array[0] = 0x00;
    data_array[1] = 0x00;
    data_array[2] = 0x00;
    data_array[3] = 0x00;

//2.4G Configuration - Receiver
//This setups up a RF-24G for receiving at 1mbps
void configure_receiver(void)
    //Config Mode
    porta = 0b00000000;	// Everything low
						// Need Td here (50nS so no worry)
    porta = 0b00000001;	// CS = 1
						// Now safe to set DATA1 as output
    trisa = 0b00111000;  //0 = Output, 1 = Input (DR1 is on RA3) (DATA1 is on RA2)

	delay_us(5);		// Tcs2data 

						//Setup configuration word, set up for 250k
						//config_setup = 0b.0010.0011.0100.1110.0000.0101; //Look at pages 13-15 for more bit info

    porta = 0b00000001;  // Everything but CS low
						 // After configuration of the receiver, we need DATA1 as an input
    trisa = 0b00111100;  // 0 = Output, 1 = Input (DR1 is on RA3) (DATA1 is on RA2)
    porta = 0b00000000;	 // CS low
						 // Configuration is active on falling edge of CS (page 10)
						 // Td (50 nS) required here
    CE = 1;				 //Start monitoring the air

//This will clock out the current payload into the data_array
void receive_data(void)
    unsigned char  i, temp;

    CE = 0;	//Power down RF Front end

    //Clock in data, we are setup for 32-bit payloads
    for(i = 0; i < 4 ; i++) //4 bytes
		temp = input_byte();
        data_array[i] = temp; //Store this byte

    CE = 1; //Power up RF Front end

//2.4G Configuration - Transmitter
//This sets up one RF-24G for shockburst transmission
void configure_transmitter(void)
    //Config Mode
    porta = 0b00000000;	// Everything low
						// Need Td here (50nS so no worry)
    porta = 0b00000001;	// CS = 1
						// Now safe to set DATA1 as output
    trisa = 0b00111000;	//0 = Output, 1 = Input (DR1 is on RA3) (DATA1 is on RA2)

	delay_us(5);		// Tcs2data
						//Setup configuration word
						//config_setup = 0b.0010.0011.0100.1110.0000.0100; //Look at pages 13-15 for more bit info

						// Configuration is active on falling edge of CS (page 10)
						// DATA1 (RA2) is left as an output.
    porta = 0b00000000;	// CS = 0
						// FWIW, Td is required here

//This sends out the data stored in the data_array
//data_array must be setup before calling this function
void transmit_data(void)
    unsigned char i;

    CE = 1;
	delay_us(5);				// Tce2data

    //Clock in address
//  rf_address = 0b.1110.0111;	// Power-on Default for all units (on page 11)

    //Clock in the data_array
    for(i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i)	// 4 bytes
    CE = 0; 					// Start transmission

	delay_us(195);				// Tsby2txSB
	i = 4;						// Now delay Toa, 5uS per bit
	do {
		delay_us(8+8+32+16);	// Preamble + address + payload + CRC
	} while ( --i != 0 );

#pragma OPTIMIZE "1"
void output_byte(unsigned char byte)
    unsigned char i = 8;

    do {
        DATA1 = byte.7;
						// Ts(500nS) might be marginal if the clock is a bit fast
        CLK1 = 1;
        byte <<= 1;		// Th/Thmin are both 500nS
        CLK1 = 0;
    } while ( --i != 0 );

#pragma OPTIMIZE "1"
unsigned char input_byte(void)
	unsigned char byte;
    unsigned char j = 8;

        byte <<= 1;
        CLK1 = 1;
        byte.0 = DATA1;	// Ensure Thmin of 500nS
        CLK1 = 0;
    } while ( --j != 0 );
    return byte;

Edit: fixed a comment


I was trying to use your code to program a pair of nrf2401a dev nodes I recently bought from SFE. (WRL~ 00713). I split the code into TX and Rx. I seem to be able to send data but dont think the RX is receiving any data.

My question is is printf, the func you used, a built in func in Sourceboost or did you write it also, your configuration word2, did you configure it?

Thanks in advance for any pointers!!


I was trying to use your code to program a pair of nrf2401a dev nodes I recently bought from SFE. (WRL~ 00713). I split the code into TX and Rx. I seem to be able to send data but dont think the RX is receiving any data.

My question is is printf, the func you used, a built in func in Sourceboost or did you write it also, your configuration word2, did you configure it?

Thanks in advance for any pointers!!

Which program? The one above which is just a port of the Sparkfun code or the one here: http://www.drizzle.com/~orin/nrf2401_serial.zip ?

I don’t see printf in either of them.

As for the second config word, it would be the chip default, whatever that is.


Thanks Orin, I was able to get nodes to communicate… only for a short time though,… I think I might have burnt the nrfchips when unsoldering them from the dev. board.