3.3v Pro-Mini and FTDI voltages

To program the [3.3v Pro-mini, do I need a 3.3 volt FTDI cable, or can I get away with a 5 volt version.](http://www.sparkfun.com/products/11114)

do I need a 3.3 volt FTDI cable, or can I get away with a 5 volt version.

You typed this as a question but you used a period… But I will respond as if it was a question.

No, not if you want keep using your board. You need to use logic level conversion.


http://jamesreubenknowles.com/level-shi … ments-1741

btw, Google has all the answers.

Thanks. Sometimes 3.3 volts parts are 5 volt tolerant. I’ve got some level shifters, but it would be easier just to get a 2nd FTDI cable for my 3.3 volt stuff.


do I need a 3.3 volt FTDI cable, or can I get away with a 5 volt version.

No, not if you want keep using your board. You need to use logic level conversion.
I just learned on the Arduino forum that the 3.3 volt Pro-Mini can be used with a 5 volt FTDI cable.

See post: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic … msg1608746

Do you understand that post? You will be running the micro at 5V not 3.3V. If you want to run the micro at 3.3V, you will have to do level conversion.

The USB based Teensy 3.1 boards are 3.3V MCUs but are 5 v tolerant; no level shifter.

High compatibility with Arduino and Arduino-adpated libraries. Can use Arduino IDE.

Even though the CPU is an ARM Cortex M4 with 256K flash, 64KB RAM, and a zillion I/O functions like 3 UARTs, SPI, I2C, etc.

And cheap.



[I have no affiliation with vendor]