3.3v pwm to 12v pwm


In the end, I want a 12v PWM signal to drive a Solid State Relay (SSR) , which will drive a 12v pump motor and or a 12v fan. Giving the pump or fan a variable speed depending on the signal.

But Arduino zero (fast 48MHz and 10bit) only outputs 3.3v PWM signal.

Someone suggested to look at a logic level converter but the way I understood it was that it only deals with HIGH and LOW?

Is there a product that can do what I want?..

Do I indeed NEED a 12v PWM signal to operate a 12v device? Will a 3.3v PWM at 100% duty cycle run the 12v motor at full speed???..

Do I indeed NEED a 12v PWM signal to operate a 12v device?

Not with an SSR. A 3V logic signal is sufficient to turn most SSRs on.

But do check the specifications for the one you have selected.

Thanks so much!!