I’m looking at the 434 whip antenna for use in my project. It appears to be 1/4 wave for 434 mhz. Is it the laipac WLP 434? How well will this take outside exposure (-20F to 100F, rain, sun, gloom of night…)
Also, it has an SMA connector, I’ve been looking at SMA connectors and they seem to cost as much as the antenna or more! I plan on putting this device outside in the weather and want it to last so the price isn’t a huge issue. Gold contacts would make the most sense but I’ll need to seal it pretty well. Still, it would be nice to find a better price on the connectors.
Would it make more sense to just cut a stainless rod to 1/4 wave (6.8 inches) and dip the whole thing in epoxy or some such? I want this to be bullet-proof.
One other antenna question - could I just put the antenna in a weather proof plastic box (ABS or some such)? I really want this puppy to last.
Anyway, thanks for reading my babbling.