8-line to hex reader

I would like to be able to read 8 address lines and output a hex byte value representing the state of those 8 address lines, e.g., 0111 1110 would show as 0x7E. Or, using two devices, read 4 address lines each and output a hex nibble value each. Does an IC exist that either does this function or can be coerced into performing part of the function? Thanks.

What do you mean by “show”? You can easily do this with any small micro (PIC, AVR, MSP, etc. ) that has enough pins for the 8 input bits and the display or output device (you can always add a latching shift register to save on the input pins).

Back in the old days, we would use a 74S89 PROM or DM9368 hex-to-7segment decoder to drive a display or a TIL-311 display that had the decoder built in. If you don’t mind HELP instead of A-F, even the 7447 would work.


Thanks, Mike.

Consider the 74lv(or hc)165 8 bit parallel in serial out shift register.

Thanks, J. I’ll consider sending its output to a 595 and dual LED.