9DOF internal interrupts and reading sd card through usb

I’m new so please be patient and I apologize for stupid questions ahead of time.


  1. What’s best to implement internal interrupts - i.e. I want to go to low power mode and put whatever’s not necessary to sleep for 1 minute, then wake up the imu and start recording data to microsd card again for one minute, then back to sleep -WDT best or is there a lowpower library (rocketscream or arduino lowpower)?

2)How can I read microsd data out through usb since I will not be able to pull out the microsd card?


Hello, and thanks for your post!

What’s best to implement internal interrupts - i.e. I want to go to low power mode and put whatever’s not necessary to sleep for 1 minute, then wake up the imu and start recording data to microsd card again for one minute, then back to sleep

You’re going to want to look at the Arduino attachInterrupt() command to enable interrupts. Some tutorials for using interrupts can be found below but there are many more examples on the web.

  • - [[Processor Interrupts with Arduino](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/processor-interrupts-with-arduino/all)
  • - [[Using Interrupts on Arduino](https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/using-interrupts-on-arduino/)
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    WDT best or is there a lowpower library (rocketscream or arduino lowpower)?

    I’ve not yet played around with low power modes for the SAMD21 processor found on the 9DoF Razor, but this video might have some useful information for you.

  • - [[Reducing Power Consumption on Arduino Zero, MKR1000, or any SAMD21 Arduino Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmWqkJ97Zsc)
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    How can I read microsd data out through usb since I will not be able to pull out the microsd card?

    Haven’t tried this either, but I did fond a Github repo that should help.

  • - [[Arduino SAMD USB MSC device](https://github.com/markmal/MSD)
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    Hope this helps get you pointed it the right direction! :-)](GitHub - markmal/MSD: Arduino SAMD USB MSC device)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmWqkJ97Zsc)](https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/using-interrupts-on-arduino/)](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/processor-interrupts-with-arduino/all)