9DoF Razor IMU M0 sample rate

I recently bought the SparkFun 9DoF Razor IMU M0 which combines a SAMD21 microprocessor with an MPU-9250 9DoF (nine degrees of freedom). My propose with this equipment was to record on the µSD card data from the 3-axial accelerometer. The data needs to have a 200Hz (or more) sample rate. According with your description the sample rate of the accelerometer and gyroscope can reach 1kHz. Therefore, I was expencting the equipment to easily fulfill my needs. However, that is not happenig at all. I only can reach a maximum 100Hz sample rate. I’m using a Lexar 633x µSD card.

So, I would like to know if there is any limitation for data record with sample rate above 100Hz? This limitation is related with the µSD card? Or should the equipment allow me to reach a higher sample rate? What can I do to reach it?

Hi PatriciaSilva.

According with your description the sample rate of the accelerometer and gyroscope can reach 1kHz.

I'm not sure where you're seeing that, I wasn't able to find that in the description or the hookup guide.

While the MPU-9250 itself may be capable of higher data rates, the example firmware we load onto the Razor M0 only goes to 100Hz. It would be possible to make things work faster, but you’d need to write your own firmware to do that. Unfortunately we can’t assist you in writing your own firmware but you might start by modifying ours. A copy of our firmware can be found on the page at the link below.

  • [9DoF Razor M0 Example Firmware
  • [/list]](9DOF_Razor_IMU/Firmware/_9DoF_Razor_M0_Firmware at v30 · sparkfun/9DOF_Razor_IMU · GitHub)