A JTAG SWD Firmware Debug Probe for ARM 32bit processors

Hello everyone, I’m here the share my last two months of work for those just like me who are still struggling with getting a much affordable JTAG debugger. Thanks for the new ARM CMSIS-DAP specs, and the great CMSIS-DAP project from mbed, I learned a lot from those fanstatics guys behind it, However, I want to move the project further, more open, more affordable, more easy to re-make, more customizable for serious firmware debugging.

Let me introduce you [IBDAP, a gcc version of CMSIS-DAP. I had this idea of making IBDAP when I was trying to solve a firmware issue of another project and then realized that I really really need a debug probe to do code steppings in order to figure out the problem. I searched online for a long time and realize that debug probes are either super expensive, like Segger J-Link or they are not universally compatible between vendors. I decided to make my own, here it comes IBDAP.

There are some versions of CMSIS-DAP implementation on the market, one is the reference implementation from ARM and the other is from mbed project. However, you still need a Keil MDK Professional edition software in order to build the firmware, even the open source one provided by mbed and the price for Keil Professional is intimidating. All these barriers has become the first issue that every inventor is facing, and we need a solution!

IBDAP’s objective is to become an [affordable open source & open hardware CMSIS-DAP JTAG/SWD debug probe implementation using gcc and makefile. Anyone can modify and embed a debug probe on its own device easily with everything under its control.

Currenty, IBDAP has been tested on LPC11U35 and nRF51822 chips using Keil and OpenOCD. In the future, we are planning to test it with CC3200 and other microcontrollers. Future plans includes USB-TTL relay and USB drag-n-drop programming in gcc.

[<LINK_TEXT text=“http://armstart.com/products/ibdap-cmsi … ebug-probe”>http://armstart.com/products/ibdap-cmsis-dap-jtag-swd-firmware-debug-probe</LINK_TEXT>


I’ll bring bring the IBDAP to the New York Maker Faire for exhibition. For those we are coming to the event, come and see the project and probably some other projects:

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I use ST-LInk V2. $21 everywhere. Supported by most IDEs http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/STM … cy4w%3D%3D

But open source is good too.