A newbie need for help (starting with OLIMEX LPC P2138)


I’m a newbie here, and i just got LPC P2138 but i have some problem:

  1. I’ve try to upload an example (blinky) from keil arm, I’ve changed crystal freq, device, and output to hex. But after i upload it, nothing has happened.

  2. I already download project example from olimex, after i extract it, none of them have the hex extension, is that means that i have to compile it first or there’s any another extension that can be uploaded.

  3. I try to follow the James Lynch’s tutorial, but when it comes to install the plugins, there was error message: “cdt is not included in the runtime”, do anyone have ever encounter the same message?

  4. Do anyone have an compiled example hex file to blink the LED on LPC P2138? I just want to know if my board still working.