A Simple Step Counter

My daughter does competitive jump rope. I want to try to build her a simple step counter. I’m hoping the project is simple enough for me to learn a bit about electronics. I’m a computer geek and have some programming experience, but not an electronics one.

My plan is this force resistor:


plus 2 of these displays, one to display step count the other to display a countdown timer:


plus two of these buttons:


or one of those and a different colored one for a reset.

she would use 1 to set the timer and 1 to reset the step counter and timer. The timer only needs to be set to either 30 seconds or 3 minutes so I am thinking 1 button push for 30 secs, 2 button pushes for 3 minutes. I would have the timer start counting down when her first step is detected. the fitbit type counters aren’t accurate enough, and jump rope they only count when the right foot hits the floor.

suggestions on what else I need are appreciated. I think I would breadboard this. I’ve done enough soldering to know I’m not very good at it.