Hi, i want to control your module via ESP32 S3 DEVKİT and i find the ESP32 example codes from acconeer site but i could not compile the code. Is there any code example for ESP32 in C? Other problem is A111 Range is published as 12meter sensor but in your site says 2meters. HOW CAN IT IS POSSIBLE? IS IT ABOUT SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE DIFFERANCES? PLEASE HELP. THANK YOU

Their datasheet also lists 2m https://developer.acconeer.com/download … sheet-pdf/

For C libraries you’ll need to get the SDK and compile the A111 https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ge … et-the-sdk or similar

I don’t know anything about this or other radar devices but was curious what else is happening up at 60 GHz. There’s an interesting peak right there in the air attenuation chart. This must greatly limit the range but that’s perhaps desirable for gestures and arms’ reach position determination, etc.



Source with better image:

https://www.microwaves101.com/encyclope … ttenuation

Their datasheet also lists 2m https://developer.acconeer.com/download … sheet-pdf/

For C libraries you’ll need to get the SDK and compile the A111 https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ge … et-the-sdk or similar

Thank you but i can reach 12 meter with XM112 Module how this is possible? :o :frowning: :roll:

If the site says 2 meters I think it’s safe to say that’s the maximum.

The side note says “2m ranging is guaranteed for an object size, shape and dielectric properties corresponding to a spherical corner reflector of 5 cm radius”

So I think I can be much more in different setups.