About Current Sensor Breakout Board


I am trying to build a accurate power meter with some other functions I am thinking of now.

I would like to try your Current Sensor Breakout Board but have some questions tho.

Link below is the product.

https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/cu … gLKS_D_BwE

From the schematic and brd file, I can see the IP+ and IP- pins are connected to two different terminals.

Question 1 : Why do you need two different terminals for those pins ?

Question 2: If both holes are needed, why do you choose the size of the holes?

Question 3: If I want to use an amplifier to improve its accuracy, do you have any recommended gain set ?

Thank you in advance for your help !!

Best Regards,


You can use either the large holes or the small ones; they are connected together. The two sizes are there for different types of connectors that may be used. I am guessing the sizes were picked for 4-40 screws and 2-pin headers or small Phoenix blocks.


Question 3: If I want to use an amplifier to improve its accuracy, do you have any recommended gain set ?

We actually have [a version of this board that has an on board amplifier if you need one. The gain in that is changeable and you can set it up from a gain of 2 to a gain of 22.

Expanding on Mike’s comment about the larger holes, those were chosen so you could connect the board inline with what you’re measuring by using some M3 or 4/40 screws and nuts to secure a pair of [ring terminals to the board.](Panduit | P10-6R-L)](SparkFun Current Sensor Breakout - ACS723 (Low Current) - SEN-14544 - SparkFun Electronics)

Thank you so much guys !