About the range of Ultrasonic sensor, "SEN-24805"

Hi, I just use SEN-24805, the latest model of UltraSonic sensor. I tried to change address from default to 0x7F, but it couldn’t. So I just want to know the real range of the I2C address.
Below is the code from github where from sparkfun darcuments

// These addresses are the min and max (respectively) of valid I2C addresses that can
// be used for the newest revision of the Qwiic Ultrasonic sensor.
const uint8_t kQwiicUltrasonicI2CAddressMin = 0x08;
const uint8_t kQwiicUltrasonicI2CAddressMax = 0x7F;

And I really curious about the latest firmware version which sparkfun gave us. You said that the latest one is 0x10 but the end of sourcode said ox00. So I want to know the latest version.

please let me know thank you

If you use the default address 0x2F, does it work?

Hardware Overview - SparkFun Ultrasonic Distance Sensor - TCT40 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide Note the special function needed to change the addr; also see SparkFun Ultrasonic Distance Sensor fails to compile - #7 by jimk123 and determine what library version is being used

Are you using this example? It has some notes/comments about maybe needing to use example 2 first if the address is 0x00. You should be able to tell which sensor version you have like it said; is there an R on the board? If not, 0x00…if so, it should be 0x2F, as Ali said

Yes, default address is 0x2F, and it works but I need to use multiples sensors, so I need to set the address. but I can’t use 0x7F address, that’s the problem.

When using multiple items on one i2c bus make sure to disable all but one set of i2c pull-ups

Also try some other address values and see if it allows them

Per the I2C standard at Addressing - I2C Bus 0x7F is one of the reserved addresses

Thank you for your reply. but I just want to know the range of the i2c address of “SEN-24805”. Could you tell me please?

This suggests that the allowed I2C addresses for this sensor should be between 0x08 and 0x7F.

Good afternoon,

Unfortunately 0x7F is indeed a reserved address and simply will not work on most micro-controllers unless they use 10-bit I2C addressing. That 0x7F is actually a typo and needs to be changed so that it’s not allowed. Sorry for the confusion, I’ll get to correcting that shortly.
