Accelerometer + Gyroscope for barbell measurements

My company is looking to purchase hardware for the measurement of distance and velocity in the weight room. Here is an example of what others are using:

6 DoF inertial measurement unit consisting of:

1 3D Accelerometer

1 3D Gyroscope

Data collected at 1000Hz

Can you help steer me in the right direction? I can connect you with my tech team for more details.


Greetings, egrossmantraining. Thanks for posting on the forums.

If you want to give an Email with as many details as possible about this project I am sure they will be capable of pointing you in the right direction.

Cheers and best of luck!

I’d recommend the [ICM-20948. It includes the two sensors you need as well as a 3D magnetometer.](

Thank you! I’ll look into the sensor you recommended and follow-up with sales if need be.