I am using RN52 breakout board from sparkfun (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11777). I have enabled A2DP and SPP profiles (both discovery mask and connection). I can stream audio from my Windows 7/64bit PC (lenovo T410) to RN52 (firmware v1.16). Windows creates a COMx port for RN52 (an outgoing and an incoming COM port could be seen in the device manager) after pairing. However, I am unable to open the Bluetooth SPP COM port using putty. Windows reports “Unable to open serial port” error when I try to access the SPP COM port using “putty”. I have tried the following:
-Enabling only SPP profile
-Setting baud rate to 9600,8-N-1/115200,8-N-1, Flow control is disabled
-Tried a different outgoing COM port for SPP
-Enabling/Disabling authentication while pairing
-Setting GPIO9 to low
Has anyone encountered a similar problem with RN52? Please let me know if you are are aware of a way to work around this issue or if you have any suggestions.
P.S: I can access RN52 via USB-UART connection using putty.