According to Pete vids should be listed under Tutorials

I recently stumbled upon these videos when, after watching the New Product Friday posting, YouTube throws up

the Brady Bunch window panes of other videos.

I found these to be very informative, and Pete does a great job explaining basic theory.

I expected these to be listed under the Tutorials tab, but was surprised to find they are not.

I think listing them there would be a great aid to those starting out, as well as to those of

us who are returning to this hobby after a long hiatus.



That’s a good idea !

In the works! From the MarComm dept:

Yea, definitely. It’s in the works.

We’ll be doing a lot more tutorials and videos in the future. Eventually we will link the “Tutorials” tab on our website to “Learn” will have all the “Tutorials” in the following months.

As far as YouTube, it’s a bit of a mess right now because we are trying to sort good videos, videos that need to be revised a bit, videos yet to be shot, and then of course “According to Petes”.

The thought currently is to have a “Beginning Electronics” section with most of the common tutorials, and then as a supplemental, or more in-depth videos for “According to Pete”.

Anywho, our youtube page has some of these playlist categories if that helps: