I am trying to get my ADC to sample 4 channels either all at once or one every quarter second. So, each channel would be sampled about once every second. So far I think I have the ISR and the ADC all setup right, I just can’t seem to start the sampling process, here is my code
int main(void) {
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; //turn off watchdog timer
P6SEL = 0x0F;
int A0results = 0;
int A1results = 0;
int A2results = 0;
int A3results = 0;
/***** ADC ISR *****/
#pragma vector=ADC_VECTOR
__interrupt void ADC12ISR (void);
A0results = ADC12MEM0; // 5 volt rail voltage
A1results = ADC12MEM1; // 5 volt rail current
A2results = ADC12MEM2; // 12 volt rail voltage
A3results = ADC12MEM3; // 12 volt rail current
/***** Setup ADC *****/
ADC12CTL0 |= SHT0_6; //sample and hold time -- 128 cycles
ADC12CTL0 |= REF2_5V; //2.5V Ref
ADC12CTL0 |= REFON; //Ref On
ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12ON; //Turn on ADC12
ADC12CTL0 |= ENC; //ADC12 Enabled
ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12SC; //Start Conversion
ADC12CTL1 |= SHP;//selects ADC source to output of sampling timer
ADC12CTL1 |= CONSEQ1; // Use sampling timer signal sourced from sampling timer, use ACLK
ADC12IE = 0x01; //Enable Interrupts
ADC12MCTL0 = INCH_0; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A0
ADC12MCTL1 = INCH_1; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A1
ADC12MCTL2 = INCH_2; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A2
ADC12MCTL3 = INCH_3+EOS; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A3, end seq.
So I worked on my code (note: I am using IAR kickstart) a little more when I run this code in simulator it works pretty well, except ADC12BUSY always equals 1 indicating the ADC is always busy. However, when I actually use the chip all the registers change their values as I step though the code…
the values are all random(there is no obvious patter and they seem to recur a lot, like 3 is frequent)
the ADC12CTL0 and ADC12CTL1 registers are the same value
Also the values change for almost every time I step over a line
I don’t really have any physical connections except for the JTAG connector and P6.0 to P6.3 connected to the voltages I want to convert. (do I need a reference for my ADC… which pin do I connect to ground??)
this is my code
#include <stdio.h>
#include "msp430x44x.h" //msp430x41x.h?
#include "demo.h"
int main(void) {
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; //turn off watchdog timer
int A0results = 0;
int A1results = 0;
int A2results = 0;
int A3results = 0;
ADC12CTL0 = ADC12ON; //Turn on ADC12
ADC12CTL0 |= SHT0_2; //sample and hold time
ADC12CTL0 |= REF2_5V; //2.5V Ref
ADC12CTL0 |= REFON; //Ref On
ADC12CTL1 = SHS_0; //Sets ADC12SC bit as source
ADC12CTL1 |= CONSEQ_1; //Sequence of Channels
ADC12MCTL0 = INCH_0 + SREF_1; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A0
ADC12MCTL1 = INCH_1 + SREF_1; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A1
ADC12MCTL2 = INCH_2 + SREF_1; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A2
ADC12MCTL3 = INCH_3 + SREF_1; // ref+=AVcc, channel = A3, end seq.
ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12SC + ENC; // Enable and start conversion
P6SEL = 0x0F;
while(ADC12BUSY != 1)
A0results = ADC12MEM0;
A1results = ADC12MEM1;
A2results = ADC12MEM2;
A3results = ADC12MEM3;
swDelay(1); //Delays for about a second with an empty loop (in demo.h)