I need to add the Eagle files for the Serial 7-Segment Serial Display sku: COM-09766 to the Sparkfun Library (or my own, I guess) as it doesn’t seem to be included in the latest (13 April 2010) version.
How do I do it?
When I come to expand the zip file it only gives me the lbr option which just leaves the component orphaned and inaccessible from Eagle (unless I’m missing something, which is quite likely as I’m new to it) so the only proceedure I’ve seen won’t work.
You have to add the library file to your library folder under EAGLE in your Program Files folder. The next time you load EAGLE, the part should be available in your library.
I know I can unzip it to the “lbr” folder, but it doesn’t seem to be available to Eagle Schematic from there as it needs to actually reside within a library - let’s say the “Duncan_Library.lbr” - but these are not visible as ‘unzip to’ destinations…
I’ve just realised that the files for the COM-09766 are in fact ‘complete’ schematic and pcb files - so they won’t go into a library (I just hit ‘unzip’ without looking at the file type) :oops: …
Ok, can’t do that…
But I want to use the display as a ‘sub-assembly’ on the main PCB, so it needs to show the display on the schematic for the main board to show its connections and, of course, on the PCB to route the traces and use the ‘board footprint’ for layout…
How do I do this?
Effectively, I guess, I need to add or merge a .sch to an existing .sch file and a .brd file to an existing .brd file?
Sorry about the confusion - I said I was new to this :?
I can do the group and the cut - that all seems to work because I can paste it into inself - but when I go to the main schematic and click paste I just get a message that the Paste Buffer is Empty…
There’s maybe something I’m not understanding about this process - or could it be because I’m using the Lite version (usually I get a “this option not available in Lite” message with that though)?
Is it possible to use the .sch and .brd files as the basis for creating a part to put into my library, or do I have to start from scratch and create a custom part?
Option 1 (using mouse): Open the target library. Find the source library in EAGLE’s Control Panel (get to the control panel by pressing ALT+0). Find the source device/package/symbol, within the source library. Right click on the item you wish to copy to the target library and choose ‘Copy to library’. If you copy a Device, it will bring included symbol(s) and package(s) with it.
Option 2 (using keyboard): Use the command ‘COPY item@source-library item@target-library’. Item name must exist in source library but not in target library. Item can be a device, package, or symbol, including the respective extensions *.dev, *.pac, and *.sym