advice please: Fedora 6, openOCD, olimex "ARM-USB-OCD&q

I develop on a Futurlec LPC2119 ET Stamp board. I only use open source development s/w (Eclipse, Gnuarm etc.) under Fedora 6.

I need to get kitted out for on chip debugging and am thinking of going for an Olimex ARM-USB-OCD with openOCD.

Does anyone have this kind of hardware and s/w mix? I would appreciate some reassurance that it will work OK. I know that OpenOCD and Ubuntu are fine together but my knees go weak when I have to deal with USB devices under Fedora. I have several USB devices which either just don’t work or are temperamental to say the least (either due to flaky closed source drivers or cranky udev rules).

Any advice gratefully received!


You say using only open-source. Just curious - have you found another choice?

As far as I know this is the only one - at least for S/W. OpenOCD works fine for me on a RHEL-3 V2.4.21-50 with Olimex Jtag-Tiny-USB. There is a README coming with the OpenOCD source files, full of useful information…

In fact if you are O-S-only I shouldn’t tell you to look for README’s and other INSTALL files. This must be carved deep in your brains :smiley: - or if it isn’t yet do it ASAP !

Another thing to assimilate for surviving in the O-S-jungle is know for the beginning YOU_ARE_ON_YOUR_OWN! So be brave, be curious, be tenacious!

I’ll add - generally works fine.

Good luck!


I have not tried OpenOCD on Linux. I do run Linux but not on a PC that I use for software development.

I have however been monitoring OpenOCD for a long time now.

Dominic who originally developed OpenOCD uses Linux for the development so there should be no problems there.

The FTDI driver is a different matter with people reporting that the Closed Source (Free as in Beer) Driver seems to have been much faster and more reliable.

I have heard from a different place only today from Michael Fischer that on the Mac that the open source driver is better.

In either case there seems to be nothing to stop you getting a reliable OpenOCD on Linux for no charge.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for the comments guys. I really appreciate your help.

In the end I ordered an Olimex ARM-USB-OCD which is now working (although not properly tested yet and not integrated with gdb / Eclipse / insight either).

A telnet session went pretty well although openocd throws out “unknown LPC2000 variant” and “‘lpc2000’ driver rejected flash bank at 0x00000000” messages when it starts up even though I changed the cfg file to what I thought looked good for my LPC2119.

I used the closed source ftdi driver (thanks fordp) as someone had warned me about the o-s version.

strman97 wrote:

You say using only open-source. Just curious - have you found another choice? <

I really don’t know if there’s a choice under Linux, I’m very new to ARM. I used to develop Freescale BDM in Windows where there was a choice of several proprietary IDEs and umpteen programmer/pods but virtually no o-s stuff at all.

Thanks again.