ADXL345 - Inaccurate reading. Multiple Single Taps at Once


I’m testing a SparkFun ADXL345 for the purpose of single tap/double tap detection. I hooked up the accelerometer to an Arduino Uno following sparkfun’s hook up guide I2C and I’m testing it using the sample code included in the SparkFun library. The ADXL345 appears to work ( on serial monitor I see the triggering of single tap/double tap, activity and inactivity. etc). However I’m having a hard time isolating a “single tap”. More often than not, when I perform a single tap; I get multiple “single taps” detected at once. (i.e. I tap once and the serial monitor prints “SINGLE TAP” 3 or more times at once).

I have already played around with the single tap threshold, duration and range settings but the only change I see is that I require a harder tap to get a detection but still, serial monitor detects many at once.

Can someone please point me in the right direction? Again, I’m using the same Arduino files/library that SparkFun provides. I haven’t changed anything.


Hello, and thanks for your post!

How do you have the ADXL345 mounted? I’m wondering if whatever you have it mounted to is resonating and that’s where the additional taps are coming from.