Alchitry boards and qwiic - information?

Folks -

So I was looking at this forum, the Alchitry forum and of course google but could not find any information on the qwiic connector added to the alchitry boards - specifically the Cu board. I have been playing a bit with Cu board and the alchitry examples work fine, and the pcf file seems good but the qwiic connector data is missing.

Understand it’s a new product for sparkfun but since sparkfun added the qwiic connector, assume sparkfun will provide documentation and examples. If not, who will? Nice product, good price but maybe rushed out the door? :roll:



I would like to know that too, I have an Au board.

The only thing I found is [this post, according to it it’s supposed to be A23 and A24.

I tried that, but it did not even compile. I added qwiic.acf with pin qwiic_sda A23; and pin qwiic_scl A24; and hooked it up in the top module, but those pins are used in the io shied for 2 LEDs already.

I also hooked up the wires to an osci, but not only do I not get any signal (I was blinking those LEDs) but I also did not get the +3.3v.

What am I missing? Do I need to do something to enable the Qwiic port?

Does anyone have working code that uses that port?](Au/Cu new version boards with Qwiic Connect System - General Questions - Alchitry Forum)

Correction - After I managed to hook up the Qwiic wires to the osci correctly I get signals; It was user error. So I can confirm that the I2C SDA and SCL are connected to A23 and A24. Also, they are connected to the two leftmost LEDs of the middle LED block (io_led[1][7:6]) on the IO board.

So, more questions: Does that mean that I can’t use the IO board together with the Qwiic port? I was planning to hook it up to a Raspberry Pi over SPI or I2C and have the IO shield as status / input. I don’t mind if those LEDs blink but I’m wondering if I can switch those pins to inout and if it has electrical implications (because of the LED and the resistor) on the I2C or SPI communication. I’m a SW dev, so I don’t have much experience with these things…