All elevations reading 0.00 for points. Facet + SW Maps to CSV

The Short version - Got a facet, everything seems work, using sw maps I made some shapes, made some points. Exported from swmaps and I dont see any elevation data, it all reads 0.00 for all points. Any idea what might be happening.

Hello Sparkfun friends,I ordered a SparkFun RTK Facet from Amazon a week ago and I need some advice. I was able to connect the Facet to my phone and using SW Maps and create some basic shapes and collect some points around my yard. I have a local NTRIP real time network i subscribed to and I am getting accuracy withing 1-5 inches when i am outdoors. I exported the data from SW Maps to csv and excel files so i can see X, Y, and Z information for my points. The longitude and latitude show number coordinates, but The trouble is that the elevation column for all points reads 0.00. I made sure to collect points at around my house that have a large enough change in elevation so that there should be a difference of a few feet. I assume the issue is because i don’t know how to work the android app, perhaps some configuration or setting i need to adjust in the app? Or maybe there is a setting I need to change on the Facet? any help would be appreciated.

FYI - this is my first attempt at DIY survey. I am doing this as a hobby and just started.

Be sure to enter the height of the antenna … e/#sw-maps so that it can calculate the offset in real-time…let me know if this works for you!