Analog bass synthesizer shield for Arduino

Hi guys,

I’m new to this forum, but I’ve been working with Arduino for half a year now. Have to say it’s a great platform… the hacking is good In the last months I’ve finished a prototype of an analog bass synthesizer. It’s on separate circuit boards now, but will be intended as a shield for the Arduino. I aim to release it for ±100 euro fully assembled, and ±70 euro as a kit.


  • 20Hz - 6 kHz pitch, controllable in 65536 steps (using Arduino PWM)

  • sawtooth and square wave oscillator, with toggle switch

  • Low-pass resonant filter with 1 potmeter for resonance, and 1 for cut-off (high quality pots, no trash! )

  • 3.5 mm headphone jack

  • 8 pushbuttons to select basslines

  • switches for portamendo and “echo” effect

Is anybody interested in a purchase? I hope to mass produce the shield by the end of the year. Also, if anybody would like to suggest some features, please let me know.

I have plans to add an additional drummachine onto the shield (the 808 to back-up the 303 ), but it might be a little too ambitious…

are you still working on this? My interests are similar, as i am planning to go about making various make shift synthesizers and effects pedals for my guitar and the synthesizers i already own.