Hi I am a newbie, what Sparkfun components should I combine to be able to measure analogue (AC) Voltages (like 26 times a second), log those voltages *datalogger) and sending the data (say once every 24 hours) by LTE/GPRS to internet. Are there any projects so far as well? Many thanks in advance.
What voltage range is the AC? A Redboard has 6 analog inputs https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13975 if it is less than 5v…if it is standard 120v AC you’ll need to stepdown the voltage with a transformer or similar
This logger https://www.sparkfun.com/products/22462 can send stuff over WiFi to the web…if you NEED LTE you could use this instead https://www.sparkfun.com/products/23618
For better ideas of projects you can click the ‘documents’ tab on the product page and browse the ‘hookup guide’ and other resources