any idea to start with avr ?

any idea to start with avr ?

I tried arduino in assembly language with crossworks and olimex avr-isp-iso

but it’s a disaster, no debug, and the avr-isp-iso often fails…

I’m really happy with arm cortex m3 (olimex) / crossworks / seggers jlink edu

apparently crossworks works with crossconnect jtag on some board.

any idea on the board I should use ?

I’m rather lost :frowning:


Use the Arduino hardware with AVR Studio and a Dragon?

apparently avr dragon is not supporting some chip

and debugging is limited to chip with less than 32k flash…

I’m planning to use arduino uno / arduino mega…

The Dragon supports all AVRs and it isn’t restricted to 32k when debugging.

I’ve seen this text several times on the web:

AVR Studio limits the Dragon to debugging the first 32k of code in a project. The most likely reason for this limitation is so it does not compete with the higher priced Atmel JTAG ICE mkII.

frankly avrdragon looks fantastic.

I feared the limitation…

I’m using crossworks (support avr dragon too)


That 32k restriction was removed a long time ago.

that’s perfect tanks

avr dragon looks really cool.

read the tutorials, talk to the users on

I finally bought a avrdragon, works wonderfully with crossworks

and an arduino uno modified for debugwire.

thanks all