APA106 / WS281x - Flicker and non-flicker


I have been fiddling around with the addressable LED for some years now, and it’s really neat to use in different projects, but the biggest problem i have had so far is that when connecting several in a row, all of them tend to flicker if i ran a sketch from for example arduino. The flickering has usually stopped when changing the code from 400 to 800mhz.

I have noticed that when running a matrix-code, serpentine (clockwise two times and backwards two times), the first run makes most of the diodes flicker before they settle down in the programmed pattern.

The flicker is also a problem when i now have started using Wled on a NodeMCU, with the WS2812 as chosen LED Chip. Unfortunately this only has option for 400mhz, but it’s not a big problem when having just a few diodes in a line.

At this moment i have 17, skipped the first, and there is no flicker at all. When i connect up to 34, the last 10 or so will flicker in random colours.

So, my question is, should i’ve been using a resistor, transistor or a capacitor somewhere in the line?

After making a matrix 17x24(to be 30) i really hope i don’t have to de-solder many of the connections. :?

Flickering “Android”


Flickering “R-G-B-R” (just changing colour)


This is the matrix made with the APA106, by the way. With serpentine sketch from the FastLed library in Arduino.


I’d first hook up a multimeter and double-check the volts/amps while it’s running to ensure they aren’t ‘browning out’ from the power supply struggling

The flickering is there no matter what power supply i’m using.

Currently connected a 5V 20A, and there is no change. The same power supply can easily handle the matrix with arduino, but not when connected with Wled.