Ardomotic 2.0 - Web Interface for Arduino

Hello everyone.

I’ve opened this thread to present version 2.0 of my project called Ardomotic. It’s a web interface that allows the creation of Arduino projects without the need to write any code. Every configuration is performed on the browser. It’s only necessary to have an internet connection, no other web servers are necessary other than the Arduino.

Some of the things that is possible to do with this project are:

  • Create a custom interface using animations to represent the different devices connected to the arduino.

  • Have real-time feedback from the system, with multiple users connected simultaneously.

  • Create users with different levels of access to the system.

  • Read data from sensors and program the system to react to the values.

  • Schedule actions to be executed based on the day/hour.

  • Create small programs in a high-level language within the interface to perform complex sequences of actions.

  • Learn signals sent by radio or infrared remote controls and reproduce them whenever necessary.

You can check this 3 minutes video and get an idea of what is possible to do with it:

This is the new site for the project:

The project is still under development, but there are already videos showing different things that are possible to do with it and how to get started. Feel free to give it a go and post your comments/questions here.