arduino and Fibre Duplex Breakout (SPX-17510) not working

Hello ,

I have two Fibre Duplex Breakout (SPX-17510) , I have connected blue to black of other Fibre duplex breakout board, other breakout boards Fibre’s black to blue and loaded sketch on Arduino , SPX-17510 are connected to software serial library , I am using pin 2 for RX and pin 3 for TX, I am not getting any data .

same setup with two Fiber Simplex Breakout (SPX-17509) , works, same Arduino sketch and connections works.

what I need to do to get it working



Can you post photos showing your setup?

here they are , Arduino uno r3 is transmitter and Arduino inside breadboard is receiver

On one board try connecting a fiber between the black and blue sockets on one board and see if data is echoed back on RX when you send data on TX. Try both boards to make sure each works.

I tried three Fibre Duplex Breakout (SPX-17510) , by connecting Blue to Black of same Fibre duplex breakout and I do not see any message , here is my Arduino code

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial4(2, 3); // RX, TX

void setup() {

// initialize both serial ports:


// mySerial4.begin(115200);



void loop() {

// read from port 1, send to port 0:

if (mySerial4.available()) {

int inByte =;



// read from port 0, send to port 1:

if (Serial.available()) {

int inByte =;



mySerial4.println(“hello there”);



is eagle files posted on product page on Sparkfun web site current…?

looks like there is problem how board is made, Please check schematics and board (eagle files), GND seems to be not connected ,also RX and TX labels does not seems to be right, Please check schematics and board files.

could somebody at sparkfun try this…making it work…?



I checked continuity with multimeter and looks like ground is connected

correct me if I am wrong,

looks like in schematics (eagle files) of SPX-17510, receiver and transmitter are labled wrong ( RX pin should be TX pin and TX pin should be RX pin) , to make it work successfully, (workaround) connect RX of Arduino to TX of SPX-17510 and TX of arduino to RX of SPX-17510 on both Arduino and connect Blue to black of other SPX-1750 and black to Blue)

and now it works



for correct connection/labeling of RX and TX pins please see schematics or eagle file of Fiber Simplex Breakout (SPX-17509)

They look correct to me.

With serial, you always connect RX to TX and TX to RX.