arduino and micro sd + lcd shield + coding question


So i just goth this this micro sd shield home and I need to use it wile I’m using a lcd keypad shield like this one … 0Vb5Pl_uBo

I don’t think this is a problem because pin 8 is the only one they both use with as fare as I understand is the reset pin…

am I going to have a problem with this ??

Programming question.

So I need to reed a file off the sdcard called data.txt in the file I need to read it line by line because I need to format it like this.

Name : random name

recipe : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5

Name : random name

recipe : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5

I also need a way to separate the second line in to 2 difrent varibales separate bay a space ore a ,

any idear on how I can solve this problem ???


I also need a way to separate the second line in to 2 difrent varibales separate bay a space ore a ,

any idear on how I can solve this problem ???

Yo Im nt shure wat yur porblem is. Iz it parsing the "recipe : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5" into seperate peices lik

recipe :







U opean a file adn read it byte by byte. Test each byte and wen the byte read is an ASCII ‘:’ or ‘,’ use a nu varibale to store nxt bytes in until end of line or next ‘,’. Declare as many char type varibales as you expect too use ahead of time. Remember you have limited SRAM space.

(did you really just do that? :D)

(did you really just do that? :D)

Du wat ? :twisted: :eusa-snooty: