Arduino FIO enclosure

Hi there,

I was asking myself if i can find somewhere an enclosure for Arduino FIO ?

I looked here but it’s too bigg or too small ( Sparkfun project box and the SoapBox )

i my case i was needing a professionnal looking box that i can hold inside my hand ( the soap box was the best option i found )

[UPDATE : some one can comfirm that the FIO can enter easily in the soapbox with a lipo battery ? i’ve misreaded the size of the soapbox :S ]

Do you have idea ?

Thanks in advance,


This message is quite old, but I wanted to respond and share my experience in case it helps others. The SparkFun Soap Box enclosure is too small to fit an FIO. I had success if finding a nice, professional looking enclosure from a company called Hammond Manufacturing. Four of their enclosures have the right dimensions for an Arduino FIO. Here are the model numbers:



These are the black versions. There are various other models with the same design and different colours available.