Arduino Giga R1 non Functional

I’ve been having issues getting my Arduino Giga R1 to work.

After uploading a sketch I get the following message:

Warning: Invalid DFU suffix signature

A valid DFU suffix will be required in a future dfu-util release

No DFU capable USB device available

Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 74

After doing a little research, I came across this from an Arduino web page: … -status-74

Which was no help.

I then came across this Arduino site and followed the instructions: … GA-R1-WiFi

After that, this is what appeared after uploading a sketch:

File downloaded successfully

Transitioning to dfuMANIFEST state

The sketch did appear to upload, but would not run. I tried this procedure several times with no success.

I’ve tried this on two Windows 10 computers, tried several different USB cables and different USB ports, and got the same results.

AS it is now, the Giga R1 is non functional as far as I can tell.

Did I miss anything, or is there anything else to try?

Thank you

  1. Check the Board Manager and Install the Latest Core

Open the Arduino IDE.

Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager.

Search for “Giga” and install the latest version of the core

  1. Update the DFU Utility

Download the latest version of dfu-util from here

Extract the downloaded file and copy the dfu-util.exe to the hardware/tools/dfu folder inside your Arduino installation directory and replace the existing dfu-util.exe file with the new one.

  1. Check the Boot Mode

Sometimes, the Giga R1 board might not be in the correct boot mode for uploading sketches. Here’s how to check and fix it:

Disconnect the Giga R1 from your computer.

Press and hold the “RESET” button on the board.

While holding the “RESET” button, connect the board to your computer via USB.

Release the “RESET” button after a few seconds.

The board should now be in the correct boot mode for uploading sketches.

Thank you for your response.

In your suggestions, completed item 1.

Item 3 did not work.

For item 2, I’ll need more specific instructions as to what to download; wasn’t sure how to proceed.

Also, I’m having some problems with the IoT RedBoard, very similar to that seen in a previous post.

Please let me know if I need to start a new post.

Thank you! …