Arduino Pro Mini vs Teensy

I was looking around at the different arduino options and came across the [Arduino Pro Mini 328 and the [Teensy 3.0. What is the difference between the two? It seems to me that there would be no reason to get the mini over the teensy.

Thanks in advance.](Teensy 3.2 - DEV-13736 - SparkFun Electronics)](

Price and simplicity would be the main reason for the Pro Mini over the Teensy. The Teensy is more robust as far as features go, but you pay for the difference. Also, a lot of customers have a preference as to the coding interface, so you also need to look at the Arduino IDE and the Teensy Loader application.

The Teensy(s) have a good Arduino library. A little hard to find on the web site though.

I like the ready-to-use USB bootloader (fast), on the Teensy(s)