Arduino uno Interfacing with IC problems

Everytime I try to read an ADC output voltage from an IC, my Arduino seems to start outputing 5V instead of reading the voltage values. If I hook IC output to a multimeter I can see the right value, but as soon as I connect it to Arduino pin it starts reading a value around 4-5V.

I did connect the ground of arduino to the ground of the powersupply. Even tried to use pinMode command but nothing works. PLease help as soon as anyone can.

I am trying to read output from LM35, ACS 712 current sensor, MAX4173 current sensor.


Can you wire two 1k - 10k resistors to make a voltage divider and connect that to the Arduino ? High and low side of the divider go the the Arduino 5V and ground respectively. You should read ~512 counts on the ADC. If you don’t read that then check that the Arduino is powered properly and if it is, post your code and tell us what pin(s) you’re connecting the analog inputs to.