Arduino Uno r3 resets

My arduino resets every 32 seconds when powered by USB, when powered by battery it doesent.

USB voltage is 5.0v

Battery is a 7.4v lipo.

I cant find out why it does this, anyone got any suggestion?

You’re pulling too much current.

But there are a number of reasons. Why don’t you give us more information? A schematic of your setup, etc.

I don’t understand why people assume we can solve there problems with little information…

I doubt the current suggestion as the arduino is only supplying a lcd keypad shield, and the reset is exacly 32 sevonds apart. Is there any way a signal of sorta can come through the usb?

Oh, and thanks for the suggestion.

Is there any way a signal of sorta can come through the usb?

Yes, absolutely. Every time you open the com port (w/most terminal emulator programs) to the Arduino you’ll get a reset. I might guess something going on at the PC end, though I don’t know what it might be.

I can try powering from a powered hub without connecting to the pc.

Why did i notvthink of that before,

Tnx guys :wink:

I have unplugged the PC from a powered usb hub, and now it works fine again.

i know this might not be the right forum for this but anyone got any idea where to start looking for the culprit in my pc ?

I have found the problem, i got a sony tablet and the “sony PC companion” software.

when i shut that down the usb problem goes away.

thanks :slight_smile:

yes i had the same problem :slight_smile: … its the sony software :slight_smile: