Arduino w/ uLCD-70DT

I am trying to test out the Arduino and touchscreen to get an idea of how everything works together. I am using this as a reference:

For now, all I am trying to do is get Leddigits0 to display a value of 5. From there I’ll continue to add more features I just want to make sure I have the basics down. The comms speed is 14400 on the workshop and same with my Arduino code. Right now nothing happens when I have the touchscreen and attached to the Arduino and the code running, a value of 000 is displayed as default when the touchscreen first turns on.

Essentially the only part of the code that should be triggered right now is:

genie.WriteObject(GENIE_OBJ_LED_DIGITS, 0x00, 5);

However it doesn’t appear to be sending anything to update the values on the screen.

Here is a full copy of my code:

#include <genieArduino.h>

Genie genie;

  int tempC;           //holds temperature readings in degrees Celsius
  int tempF;           //holds temperature readings in degrees Fahrenheit
  int sensorPin = A0;  //Vout of LM35 is connected to A0 of Arduino host
void setup() 
  // a few options to talk to the Display, uncomment the preferred serial port and baud rate
  // make sure that the ViSi Genie program has the same baud rate
  genie.Begin(Serial);  //Serial0   
  //Reset the Display (change D4 to D2 if you have original 4D Arduino Adaptor)
  //See the app note 4D-AN-P4017-ViSi-Genie Connecting a 4D Display to an Arduino Host
  //for information if using jumper connecting wires
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);   // Set D4 on Arduino to Output (4D Arduino Adaptor V2 - Display Reset)
  digitalWrite(4, 1);   // Reset the Display via D4
  digitalWrite(4, 0);   // unReset the Display via D4
  delay (3500);         //let the display start up

void loop() 
  static long waitPeriod = millis();
  //tempC = ((5.0 * analogRead(sensorPin) * 100.0) / 1024) + 2;  //signal level sampled from sensorPin is converted to a temperature value. Do calibration  if needed.
  genie.WriteObject(GENIE_OBJ_LED_DIGITS, 0x00, 5);        //Write to Leddigits0 the value of tempC
  //tempF = tempC * 9 / 5 + 32;                                  //Convert temperature readings in degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit
  //genie.WriteObject(GENIE_OBJ_LED_DIGITS, 0x01, tempF);         //Write to Leddigits1 the value of tempF

Here is a picture of my setup and what it looks like on from the workshop program: … sp=sharing … sp=sharing