Ardupilot Mega 1 rebuild

Hello everyone, I’m sorry because I don’t know how to start so I decided to make a new topic here. I have a problem to rebuild Ardupilot Mega 1 for my project because this product is no longer exist. I’m new in this thing, so can someone give me a clue where to find the detailed components list ? I want to make my own board, but I only have eagle board and schematic files for this and don’t know how to find the detailed components needed.

Thank you in advance

Hi Azier24.

The file below is our BOM. Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

assembly_bom_611_1619018760.5245.pdf (28.2 KB)

thank you so much, it’s very helpful. Do you have the BOM of oilpan board too ?

some of components are little bit different from my eagle board file. Do you have the board design based on your BOM ?

The BOM I gave you is for our product number [GPS-09710 but it looks like we did a [revision on that and swapped the LM317/LD1117 regulator for a MIC5219 regulator. Other than that, the BOMs should be essentially the same.

Unfortunately we never made the Oilpan board so we don’t have a BOM for it, but we still have the old product page and a schematic can be found in the ‘Documents’ tab on the [old product page.](ArduPilot Mega IMU Shield/OilPan Rev-H V1.0 (No pin headers) - GPS-10952 - SparkFun Electronics)](ArduPilot Mega - Arduino Mega compatible UAV Controller - GPS-10294 - SparkFun Electronics)](ArduPilot Mega - Arduino Mega compatible UAV Controller - GPS-09710 - SparkFun Electronics)

oh okay then, once again thank you