
We develop on Linux machines using the GNU arm tools.

Does any one have advice for mixing arm and thumb code?

Some stuff on this in the LPC2000 Yahoo group.


Sorry, that reply was not helpful.

I have a big bone with groups on yahoo. Nothing there shows up on Google. I suppose that’s good if your intention is to keep information out of the public domain, but that’s not in the spirit of open source. The idea is to share information in these support forums, not point to some closed forum that requires you to give up your email address to spammers.

Fortunately, I work with a couple of the smartest programmers in the world. We not only got arm/thumb interworking running for normal subroutine calls, but we also made a minor tweak to our real tiime preemptive OS to run tasks in either arm or thumb mode.

If you look long enough you too can find the correct patch to gcc that enables arm/thumb interworking. Clue … look on the Internet.

You have a point. However, there are over 5,000 members of the LPC2000 group, including NXP apps people, so most queries get answered very quickly. There is also lots of useful stuff in the Files section that can save developers a great deal of time.

I wouldn’t say it’s a closed forum, anyone can join. To avoid spam I have it set up so that all new members have to be approved, and they are moderated until they make their first post, something that this forum doesn’t do.

The posts are archived here:

so you don’t need to join the group to read them.
