ARM-USB_OCD and Tools-Documentation

I bought me LPC-2148 and ARM-USB-OCD JTag.

But It seems i cannot flash with OpenOCD within Eclipse!?

As all newbees, I now want to start my very first prog…

I could now write a loong story, but I try to keep focussed…

Finally I installed me the stuff of the delivered Olimex-CD.

First sight: Works fine! arm-elf-toolchain, Eclipse3.2 and OpenOCD and Drivers for USB-JTAG… all into c:\GCCFD

connect ARM-USB-OCD to USB of my computer, green LED goes on, Device detected by WinXP.

Connected board to the ARM-USB-OCD-Power cable, then the JTAG cable.

Red LED on board goes on.

Then I tried within Eclipse to flash the .hex like described in the instructions:

  1. Start OpenOCD program from Run → External Tools → OpenOCD or OpenOCDTiny

on Console I recieve:

“Info: openocd.c:82 main(): Open On-Chip Debugger (2006-10-12 18:00 CEST)”

And board beebs short, ARM-USB-OCD now changes grreen to yellow LED!

WHAT Does that mean!? Where is a (user)-documentation about that device? Is yellow LED signaling a kind of problem? Or is that the signal for “flashed successfully and now ready to start?”

  1. Press BUG icon, status bar says launching 5%, then I recieve a error:

"Error creating session

Target is not responding (timed out)"

The Console says:

LPC2148_flash [Embedded debug (Cygwin)]

<terminated, exit value: 256>C:\gccfd\GNUARM\bin\arm-elf-gdb.exe (01.01.08 18:56)

It seems that I cannot flash and also not debug properly…

Further Questions:

How can I restore the ARM-USB-Device by soft means?

Only can I only physically replug?

(If I reset on the board (short press), nothing happens, too!)

I once depluged JTAG from board and then SOMEHOW pushed reset and plugged on power or so… I saw a (manufactory-original?) programm starts to blink the two LEDs… So I think the board is O.K.!

I first thouht that this would be MY prog, so I changed the milisecs of MY prog and flashed again… but the blink sequence was still the original one…

Now I cannot redo that blinking by power-on! Where can I look to read how that reset/powering stuff works?

And please: Not say “Use Crossworks” or so…

I finally want to develop my stuff under Linux, gnutools. So please give me some hints for getting things running under Cygwin/arm-gnu, Eclipse is not REALLY necessary - I am used to emacs, but heard debugging would be easier with eclipse… :slight_smile:

The Olimex CD worked for me, you have to select OpenOCD not OpenOCDTiny.

The only problem I has was that I had to slow down the JTAG interface by using the value 5 instead of 3 into the OpenOCD config file.

The easiest thing you can do is to make sure the project included on the CD works correctly then start from there by adding your code.

I switched to YAGARTO after a couple months, that has everything the Olimex CD has but contains much more recent versions. I can use it with or without eclipse.

Already hat OpenOCD, not tiny.

I edited JTAG speed from 2 to 5,

same problems, also if OpenOCD started from CygWin shell and not from Eclipse…

So I moved away from the Olimex-Installation-Disk and install new versions of

  • CygWin

and from

  • openOCD

  • from there I also see “YAGARTO GNU ARM toolchain” and Eclipse 3.3 Eclipse CDT 4.0.2 Zylin plugin 4.1.14 - But that can wait until I can flash a first sample-prog.

I think that is a Problem with OpenOCD?

So I will add a new posting in that forum…

Still the Question, what is the yellow LED is meaning?

And how to reset that Olimex-ARM-USB-OCD my soft means.

So look also in the OpenOCD forum here… :slight_smile:

You same configuration works for me, try to use my project setup and see if it works for you too.

1 - Install YAGARTO, the latest version. Make sure the PATH variable contains the correct paths.

2 - Unzip this somewhere

3 - Open a command shell.

4 - Change directory to .\demos\ARM7-LPC214x-GCC

5 - Execute “make”. this will build ch.bin, the image file.

6 - Run the “OpenOCD” batch file, it will launch OpenOCD and will also open a telnet session on it.

7 - In the telnet session type “script run”, this should load the ChibiOS/RT demo on your Olimex LCP-P2148, leds should start flashing.

If you want to try debugging with Eclipse set the working directory to .\demos and you will see the project fully setup and ready.

Thanks for your reply - I am just doing as said… reporting soon…

But sparcling with curiosity I had to look over your wiki and project page

**Amazing! So I as soon as I manage to get this running - I could even use the ChibiOS/RT on my LPC2148 to do some complexer work!?**

I always thought of this as a first “sandbox” project before moving on to ARM9 with an embedded Linux (with MMU) - but I feared that using Linux makes handling several hard realtime jobs quite complex… (think of my application: an own motor driver with some complexer software-observers of different states of the machine)

Now I see some light :slight_smile:

You will hear from me…

It works!!!


But why???


I only can thank you! :lol:

Now my curiosity is focussed on “how does it work!?”

(And why the yellow LED on the OLIMEX ARM-USB-JTAG is flickering while this demo is running :slight_smile:

Where should I continue now…

maybe I start reading through the OpenOCD docs to understand the “magic” - in the cfg files and this “strange” telnet-mode of OpenOCD?

Or I read through the “Using Open Source Tools for AT91SAM7S Cross Development revision C.pdf”…

And eventually I will understand the differences between the Olimex-version and your version! of the config file…? (I think Olimex should be intereested in this, too!)

Hopefully I find time to contact you soon and find out how I can dive most quickly into this ChibiOS/RT

I am glad you like it :slight_smile:

The flickering of the JTAG led is normal.

Look at the demo readme, it does a lot more than flashing leds.