Artemis Dev Kit with HM01B0 camera not capturing image using Example1_stopmotion

We’ve been utilizing the Apollo3 Artemis DevKit to run alongside the Himax HM01b0B camera module on Arduino IDE. We were able to successfully run the Blink, HelloWorld, and BLE LED examples from the SparkFun website’s resources with the Apollo3 board library version of 2.2.1, listed here:

However, when we’ve attempted to run the SparkFun Himax HM01B0 Camera 0.0.3 library on Arduino IDE for the StopMotion Example 1, we’ve encountered a multitude of issues, listed below. Additionally we changed the following:

  1. We changed the StopMotion code to account for the example target as AM_BSP_GPIO_CAMERA_HM01B0_DVDDEN on line 65:
  2. We changed the other hm01b0_c files to accommodate for it being the DevKit as opposed to the Edge Board, as seen from line 24-25 is changed to line 28 for the hm01b0_platform_apollo3 c++, c and hm01b0_c.c files:
  3. When using the 0.0.3 camera library with the 2.2.1 apollo3 library, we received this issue during compilation: