Artemis Firmware Uploader

I have the sparkfun redboard artemnis and I want to upload a bin file unto it using the artemis firmware uploader v2.0 but I keep getting errors. I have used different Baud Rate but still it did not work. I also tried to use the blink.bin file provided in the artemis firmware uploader folder to see if it works. but it also did not work. The error message I got is pasted below. This is on a windows machine.

Phase: Setup

Cleared startup blip

Phase: Bootload

Sending 8784 bytes in 5 frames

Error receiving packet

Unknown error

Sending frame #0, length: 0

Upload failed!

Also I want to be able to use the artemis firmware upload on a linux machine but when I double click the linux exe file provided in the linux folder, nothing happens. How can I upload flash my IMU connected to a linux machine without using the artemis firmware uploader, because it is not work for me.

Thank you in advance. :slight_smile:

Did the board previously work? Can you test some alternate cables?

I was not able to upload it with the linux exe file, so I used the arduino IDE to upload it. Thank you.

Linux can’t run EXE files, you’re stuck with Windows for those. :frowning: