I am using the Artemis Module also tried the Artemis dev kit.
On reading the comments in the Example01_DigitalWrite I compared the PinNames. h file to the actual code used in the Open Log Artemis module, and was able to cross reference the blue STAT Led to pin 19.
Using Pin # 19 instead of LED_BUILTIN I am now able to blink the blue LED, so I will make a pin map for the other pins (leds) to have an easier to use reference for future debug sessions.
The sketch I am using is: the Example01_DigitalWrite.ino from the Apollo3 examples
// This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
// file ‘LICENSE.md’, which is part of this source code package.
The Apollo3 microcontroller has “pads” - this is how the processor
and peripherals expect to be configured. These cannot be changed.
For convenience you can also use pin names - these are usually
created in such a way that they match silkscreen markings on the
board or explicitly say what the pin is used for.
Boards in the Apollo3 Arduino core have two kinds of pin names:
- PinName enum: a text label like “D0” or “LED1”
- pin_size_t type: a pure number that indicates a pin
Both kinds can map onto arbitrary pads. Depending on which form
you pass into Arduino functions the appropriate map will be used.
- PinName: uses the PinName enumeration in
- pin indices: match with pin states in variantPinStates array in:
It is also possible for Arduino to define some symbols that serve
as additional names for pins
In this example we will utilize those methods as well as one more
to blink the built-in LED on the board
reference: digitalWrite() - Arduino Reference
// Arduino boards typically define ‘LED_BUILTIN’
// This symbol expands to the pin_size_t corresponding to the
// onboard LED
// const pin_size_t ledPinNumber = LED_BUILTIN;
const pin_size_t ledPinNumber = 19; // test for Apollo3 module pin numbers. 19 could be the Blue LED.
// Mbed boards use a PinName called LED1 to indicate
// the built-in LED
const PinName ledPinName = LED1;
void blinkWithNumber(pin_size_t number){
digitalWrite(number, HIGH);
digitalWrite(number, LOW);
void blinkWithName(PinName name){
digitalWrite(name, HIGH);
digitalWrite(name, LOW);
void setup() {
// Arduino functions that take pin arguemnts can use either type
// Here we are using the PinName type
pinMode(ledPinName, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// When digitalWrite is called (with either kind of variable)
// it searches the variantPinStates array for a match. If one
// is found then an internal function sets the state of the
// corresponding pad
This now works for the Blue STAT led by modifying the line which says:
const pin_size_t ledPinNumber = LED_BUILTIN;
Replace LED_BUILTIN with 19, and you get the Blue led blinking.
Thanks for your response.