It says its supported out of the gate, however in the terminal it will not detect the SCD30. I have another sensor, the UV sensor and it detects that just fine. I have power to the board, but the open log is just not seeing it.
Can you provide a picture of your setup? Which data bus are you using?
Im using i2c. what you see is the scd30 and the uv sensor but I have tried it with just the scd30 connected by itself and it still doesn’t work.
Try pulling the ‘SEL’ pin low to ground. The datasheet says you can leave it floating or pull to ground for I2C.
Yep I have tried that. I desoldered it when it had no effect.
Have you tired the SCD30 with another microcontroller, such as a RedBoard?
no. I have no other boards in that quic ecosystem. The whole point of getting this setup was so I could just plug everything in and get logging. But I guess that isn’t the case.
Ordered a board it will be a few days.
This is a messy one. OLA v1.2 autodetects the SCD30 reliably but there are a few times, usually after first power on of the sensor that ID fails. I can replicate but not very often.
I’ve started an issue here:
I think I got it fixed. v13 binary for OLA is here: … is-v13.bin
GUI for updating firmware is here:
Please give it a try and let us know on Github if you still have this issue.
V1.3 of the firmware did allow it to connect. Its logging now.
And regarding the not being able to reliably not work. I tried a minimum of 10 times and it didn’t work a single time.
And kind of an unrelated note. Since I was ordering a redboard I ordered the qwiik surface mount connectors. On the back of the SCD30 there are pads that are the right dimension for the quick connector. Didn’t check with a meter. They’re not for the qwiic connector. May want to make a note on the product page for boneheads like me. I ordered a second SCD30 so its fine.
jiggermole - I’m glad this is working for you now. Thanks for reporting the issue so we could address it. I’m not familiar with the SCD30 but I was curious about the pads on the back - taking a look I can confirm that they are not in the correct order to be compatible with Qwiic.
The Qwiic standard puts four pins in this order:
VCC (3.3V)
The pads on the SCD30 appear to be in the order:
Which is unfortunately not a simple rotation/mirror of the Qwiic specification. Therefore the only way to use a qwiic connector on those pads is to use re-route the pins as needed. You could, for example, use two of [these Qwiic → breadboard cables to bridge the gap - just being mindful of what pins really go where…](
Yeah like I said, I didn’t check before trying the quick connector, and if I did someone else might pull a dumb as well. I used a short qwiic cable cut one end off and soldered like in the picture.
I do have another question. Sorry for the long time between posts.
I’m having some trouble dialing the logging delay. In the logging menu it has time between logs in seconds. I put that at 300 seconds for 5 minutes, but it logs every 40 seconds. Set it for 600 seconds and it is 80 seconds between logs. Doing the math I set it for 2250 for 5 minutes and it logs every 24 seconds. So not sure whats up with that.
okay so more information. Looks like it caps out at 130 secondsish. If I request it to log at 150 seconds I get a reading roughly every 11ish seconds. Anything below 130 seconds is accurate. Above that, it rolls over.
Sounds like the time is stored in a signed 8-bit number. I guess it will cap out at 127 seconds.
300 mod 128 = 44, 600 mod 128 = 88
That doesn’t work for the 2250 but 250 mod 128 = 25, so the 2250 maybe getting parsed wrong as well.