Hi everyone,
Currently I have the accelerometer hooked up to the spi pins of my 2561.
I can read the WHO_AM_I reg, I can set up the ctrl regs, I get a nice reading from X,Y,Z.
My problem is understanding how to compute the actual acceleration. What I noticed is when I read the x,y,x regs and I move it from point A to B, and the device is placed in the same position. The reading are basically the same. So how do you actually get acceleration?
I also tried using those crazy registers like
The first 3, CFG, SRC, ACK are pretty straight forward, CFG sets up everything, SRC, tells you where the interrupt occured, and ack, just clears everything, so ur rdy to get new data. Now the DURATION from my understanding is the length of time it actually waits before capturing data??? to avoid error readings. The last 2 are the threshold values, I understand the change has to pass this threshold inorder to interrupt, but how do u compute the threshold values?
Sorry for the lengthy post, but I truly need help, mainly with understanding, but help no the less.
Thank you